The levels of support include, but are not limited to:
1. Performing feasibility assessments
- For example, equipment to be interfaced with the various lab-related IT systems are assessed to determine technical feasibility and requirements vis-à-vis datastreams, etc. so as to facilitate and implement connectivity as well as order/result communications.
2. Engaging in the procurement and demand management processes of lab-related IT systems; this extends to include requests-for-proposal, requests-for-information, and project prioritization.
- For example, Lab Systems Engineering may be called upon to work with customers in obtaining the necessary security exhibits and/or determining the extent of device hardening vis-à-vis patch management and anti-virus application.
- Additonally, Lab Systems Engineering can be engaged to assess the amount of effort required to implement initiatives possessing a Lab IT component. This effort can be subsequently prioritized relative to other similar initiatives being undertaken by the Medical Laboratories.
These services are made available to both the Medical Laboratories as well as other clinical departments who, while not under the auspices of the Medical Labs, nevertheless wish to embark on initiatives that involve the transmission and/or storing of lab-related data.